FAMILY TREE ADDENDUM with a picture of the Talmy Kids, Chicago 1942: Meta, Jackie, and Marty
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FAMILY TREE ADDENDUM with a picture of the Talmy Kids, Chicago 1942: Meta, Jackie, and Marty
One of Lawrence´s sisters, Anna married Sam Talmy, They had three children: Meta, Jackie, and Marty., depicted here in Chicago in 1942.
A little FAMILY TREE History.
In approximately 1830, in Ukraine, KALMIN REZWIN was born. Later he married YENTA (Meta) (1835-1919) who was born in Gorodonya, Ukraine. They had 3 kids: Esther, Mark, and Vera.
ESTHER Rachel Havkin was unmarried.
MARK (Morduchah) married BRUCHA perhaps in 1860. They had 5 children: Sophia Markova Berliant, Yevsey who married Dina, Yokov who married Yvegeni, Fania Friedmor, and Yonah who married Ella (born 1900 to 1987)
VERA Rezwin Blumen Bloom married MOISHE Blumen. They had 7 children: Lawrence, Rita, Sylvia (Sonia), Anna, Masha, Luba (Lillian), and Sasha (Allan), all born in what was then Russia, but is now Ukraine, probably all in Nizhyn.
LAWRENCE (3.10.1887 - 7.16.1965) married ETHEL Pellicoff (12.21.1889)-2.25.1962). They had 3 children. Mort (8.23.1917-2016), George (3.30.1919-5.26.2004), and Hi (2.14.21-2.14.2011).
Mort´s book says that Lawrence came to the U.S. in 1905, which would have made him 18. Hi always told me that Lawrence left at the age of 16 which would have made it 1903. It appears that a modification of both of those is appropriate: Judging by the signatures and writings on the back of many of the images numbered 597 et seq, it appears that these are the photos that many of Lawrence´s (Liev Blumen) received just before he went to America. They are dated February and March, 1904, which means that he must have left when he was 17 years of age, but probably arrived in the U.S. when he was 18. These pictures appear to be the very images that he took with him for his journey.)
MORT married Frances Berman and they had 3 children: Amie, Barbara, and Carol.
Amie married Rob and had two kids, Michael and Eric.
Barbara has one child, Mehan.
Carol married Ianni and has one child Benji.
GEORGE married Roslyn Katz (6.7.22) and they had two children, Kenneth and Ellen.
Kenneth (1945) married Ginny, who died in 2020.
Ellen married Larry Underhill.
HI (HERBERT JOSHUA BLOOM) married twice, first Roz´sister, and then Betty Wisotsky (12.30.1926-3.17.13) and had 3 children: Denise, Sasha (Allen), and Barry.
Denise Frances Belsky Bloom (2.19.46-6.4.2008)
Sasha (10.15.1950) married Elysa Waltzer (4.5.1950) and they had two children, Gabrielle (5.11.1979) and Jonathan (3.29.1983)
RITA (3.4.1891-10.6.1989) married MORRIS Grodsky (9.20.1891-11.26.1983). They had one child Masha (Marion 3.8.1920-2015).
MASHA married Alec Odinak (8.31.1928-2015). They had two children: Thomas and Mitchell
Thomas (4.18.1957) married Ryan (7.14.52) and had two children, Tavia 2.08.87 and Meredith (12.06.89).
Mitchell (1.19.1960) married Patti (11.13.1960) and they had two children Abigale (3.24.93) and Hanna (1.28.97)
SONIA (Sylvia) (8.25.1893-5.10.1966) married EMANUEL Rytslin (8.31.1891-1931). They had one child Robert (Bobby) (3.22.1916-1.05.2006). They moved back to Russia, where Bobby married Nadya (7.1.1918-1.31.2001). They had one child Ella (8.18.38) who married Eduard Oganov (12.5.37). They had one child, Eugenia (8.4.1975) who married Adam (3.14.75)
ANNA married SAM TALMY. They had three children: Meta, Jacqueline, and Marty.
META (4.5.1922-? )married Nate Davis (5.21.1917-? ). They had three children: JoEllen, Andrew, and Richard.
JoEllen (11.5.42) married Bert Friedman (1.18.33-6.04.2006). They had three children Jessica (12.11.1962), Daniel (1.18.1965) who married Natalie (3.9.1966). They had three children: Jacob (11.24.1997), Madline (1.18.2000), and Miles (4.12.2002) and Jason who married Debbie (10.15.64) who had two children Noah (12.17.1998) and Zachary (8.16.2002).ANDREW married Adrienne, and they had two children Julian (7.28.1983) and Gena (11.22.1984). RICHARD (Richie) married Ada and they had two children Jackie and Emilio.
JACQUELINE (Jackie) married Gershon (Gersh) Schaeffer. They had two children Corrie who married David Eakin, who had two children, Sammy and Jared AND Stacey who married Jim Bauml.
MARTY married MaryJane and they had four children: Craig, who married Linda and had one child, Lili. Kristy, who married Tom Greendwood and had one child, Cole, Sarah and Ethan.
MASHA (who died very young in the world flu epidemic of 1918)
LUBA (Lillian) who married Aaron Perliss.
SASHA (Allan R.), a gay man, who died in 1949, was Hi´s favorite uncle.
BERNARD (Berl) (1862-1950) was born in Russia and came to know Moshe Blumen. They were co-workers. Bernard married Dora (Duba). Bernard moved to the United States prior to 1889and settled in Philadelphia and then Atlantic City. They had three children: Fanny, Ethel, and Abe.
FANNY (1887- ) married Sam Bell. They had one child Herbert (Herbie, 1911-) who married Elsie Weiss. They had two children Jacquelyn who married and had two boys and a girl and a BOY, who married.
ETHEL (12.21.1889-1963) married LAWRENCE (3.27.1887-1965). They had three boys Morton, George, and Herbert (Hi).
ABE (1891-1948) married Jennie Greenetz. They had one child, Eleanor (Elkie) who married Jack Zaris. They had two children Gilbert (Gil) who married Sue and had two children and Dale who married Doug and had two children.
A little FAMILY TREE History.
In approximately 1830, in Ukraine, KALMIN REZWIN was born. Later he married YENTA (Meta) (1835-1919) who was born in Gorodonya, Ukraine. They had 3 kids: Esther, Mark, and Vera.
ESTHER Rachel Havkin was unmarried.
MARK (Morduchah) married BRUCHA perhaps in 1860. They had 5 children: Sophia Markova Berliant, Yevsey who married Dina, Yokov who married Yvegeni, Fania Friedmor, and Yonah who married Ella (born 1900 to 1987)
VERA Rezwin Blumen Bloom married MOISHE Blumen. They had 7 children: Lawrence, Rita, Sylvia (Sonia), Anna, Masha, Luba (Lillian), and Sasha (Allan), all born in what was then Russia, but is now Ukraine, probably all in Nizhyn.
LAWRENCE (3.10.1887 - 7.16.1965) married ETHEL Pellicoff (12.21.1889)-2.25.1962). They had 3 children. Mort (8.23.1917-2016), George (3.30.1919-5.26.2004), and Hi (2.14.21-2.14.2011).
Mort´s book says that Lawrence came to the U.S. in 1905, which would have made him 18. Hi always told me that Lawrence left at the age of 16 which would have made it 1903. It appears that a modification of both of those is appropriate: Judging by the signatures and writings on the back of many of the images numbered 597 et seq, it appears that these are the photos that many of Lawrence´s (Liev Blumen) received just before he went to America. They are dated February and March, 1904, which means that he must have left when he was 17 years of age, but probably arrived in the U.S. when he was 18. These pictures appear to be the very images that he took with him for his journey.)
MORT married Frances Berman and they had 3 children: Amie, Barbara, and Carol.
Amie married Rob and had two kids, Michael and Eric.
Barbara has one child, Mehan.
Carol married Ianni and has one child Benji.
GEORGE married Roslyn Katz (6.7.22) and they had two children, Kenneth and Ellen.
Kenneth (1945) married Ginny, who died in 2020.
Ellen married Larry Underhill.
HI (HERBERT JOSHUA BLOOM) married twice, first Roz´sister, and then Betty Wisotsky (12.30.1926-3.17.13) and had 3 children: Denise, Sasha (Allen), and Barry.
Denise Frances Belsky Bloom (2.19.46-6.4.2008)
Sasha (10.15.1950) married Elysa Waltzer (4.5.1950) and they had two children, Gabrielle (5.11.1979) and Jonathan (3.29.1983)
RITA (3.4.1891-10.6.1989) married MORRIS Grodsky (9.20.1891-11.26.1983). They had one child Masha (Marion 3.8.1920-2015).
MASHA married Alec Odinak (8.31.1928-2015). They had two children: Thomas and Mitchell
Thomas (4.18.1957) married Ryan (7.14.52) and had two children, Tavia 2.08.87 and Meredith (12.06.89).
Mitchell (1.19.1960) married Patti (11.13.1960) and they had two children Abigale (3.24.93) and Hanna (1.28.97)
SONIA (Sylvia) (8.25.1893-5.10.1966) married EMANUEL Rytslin (8.31.1891-1931). They had one child Robert (Bobby) (3.22.1916-1.05.2006). They moved back to Russia, where Bobby married Nadya (7.1.1918-1.31.2001). They had one child Ella (8.18.38) who married Eduard Oganov (12.5.37). They had one child, Eugenia (8.4.1975) who married Adam (3.14.75)
ANNA married SAM TALMY. They had three children: Meta, Jacqueline, and Marty.
META (4.5.1922-? )married Nate Davis (5.21.1917-? ). They had three children: JoEllen, Andrew, and Richard.
JoEllen (11.5.42) married Bert Friedman (1.18.33-6.04.2006). They had three children Jessica (12.11.1962), Daniel (1.18.1965) who married Natalie (3.9.1966). They had three children: Jacob (11.24.1997), Madline (1.18.2000), and Miles (4.12.2002) and Jason who married Debbie (10.15.64) who had two children Noah (12.17.1998) and Zachary (8.16.2002).ANDREW married Adrienne, and they had two children Julian (7.28.1983) and Gena (11.22.1984). RICHARD (Richie) married Ada and they had two children Jackie and Emilio.
JACQUELINE (Jackie) married Gershon (Gersh) Schaeffer. They had two children Corrie who married David Eakin, who had two children, Sammy and Jared AND Stacey who married Jim Bauml.
MARTY married MaryJane and they had four children: Craig, who married Linda and had one child, Lili. Kristy, who married Tom Greendwood and had one child, Cole, Sarah and Ethan.
MASHA (who died very young in the world flu epidemic of 1918)
LUBA (Lillian) who married Aaron Perliss.
SASHA (Allan R.), a gay man, who died in 1949, was Hi´s favorite uncle.
BERNARD (Berl) (1862-1950) was born in Russia and came to know Moshe Blumen. They were co-workers. Bernard married Dora (Duba). Bernard moved to the United States prior to 1889and settled in Philadelphia and then Atlantic City. They had three children: Fanny, Ethel, and Abe.
FANNY (1887- ) married Sam Bell. They had one child Herbert (Herbie, 1911-) who married Elsie Weiss. They had two children Jacquelyn who married and had two boys and a girl and a BOY, who married.
ETHEL (12.21.1889-1963) married LAWRENCE (3.27.1887-1965). They had three boys Morton, George, and Herbert (Hi).
ABE (1891-1948) married Jennie Greenetz. They had one child, Eleanor (Elkie) who married Jack Zaris. They had two children Gilbert (Gil) who married Sue and had two children and Dale who married Doug and had two children.
Still Image Item Type Metadata
Date Start
Date End
Abe Pellicoff, Abigale Odinak, Ada Davis, Adam, Adrienne, Amie Brin, Andrew Davis, Anna Bloom Talmey Talmy, Barbara Bloom, Barry Doran Bloom, Bernard Berl Pellicoff, Bert Friedman, Betty Blanch Wisotsky Belsky Bloom, Brucha, Carol Bloom, Cole Greenwood, Corrie Schaeffer, Craig, Craig Talmey Talmy, Dale Zaris, Daniel Friedman, David Eakin, Debbie, Dina, Dora Duba Pellicoff, Doug, Eduard Oganov, Eleanor Elkie Zaris, Ella, Ella Oganov, Elsie Weiss Bell, Emanuel Rytslin, Emilio, Esther Rachel Havkin, Ethan Talmey, Eugenia Oganov, FAMILY TREE, Fania Friedmor, Fanny Bell, Frances Berman Bloom, Gena Davis, George Bloom, Gilbert Gil Zaris, Hanna Odinak, Herbert Bell, hi, HiBloom HJB HJ Herbert Joshua Bloom, Jack Zaris, Jackie, Jacob, Jacqueline Bell, Jacqueline Jackie Talmy Talmy Schaeffer, Jason, Jennie Greenetz Pellicoff, Jessica Friedman, Jim Baumel, JoEllen Friedman, Julian Davis, Kalman Rezvin, Kristy Talmey Talmy Greenwood, Lillian (Luba) Perliss, Linda Talmey Talmy, Madeline, Madja Rytslin, Mark Morduchah, Marty Talmy Talmey, Maryjane Talmey Talmy, Masha Blumen, Masha Grodsky Odinak, Meredith Odinak, Metta Talmey Davis, Miles, Mitch Odinak, Moisha Blumen, Morris Grodsky, Morton Joseph Bloom Mort MJB, Natalie, Nate Davis, Noah, Patti Odinak, Ravia Odinak, Richard Davis, Rita Grodsky, Robert Bobby Rytslin, Robert Brin, Roz Bloom, Ryan Odinak, Sam Bell, Sam Talmey Talmy, Sarah Talmey, Sasha Allan R Bloom, Sasha Allen Robert Bloom, Sonia Sylvia Rytslin, Sophia Markova Belriant, Stacy Schaeffer, Tom Greenwood, Tommy Odinak, Vera Rezwin Blumen Bloom, Yakov, Yenta Meta Rezwin, Yevsey, Yonah, Yvgeni, Zacary
“FAMILY TREE ADDENDUM with a picture of the Talmy Kids, Chicago 1942: Meta, Jackie, and Marty,” Bloom Archive, accessed March 14, 2025,
Item Relations
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